Delivering The Plumbline

In this day and age, many people operate out of extremes. Prophetic voices, must not get caught in the polarization of culture or issues.

There are pure-hearted prophetic voices that God is raising up in this hour, to bring His people back into alignment with His heart and His Truth. If you are one of these voices, make sure your message of “loving correction” is not coming from a knee-jerk reaction or emotional extremes. We are responsible to take time to wait on the Lord for not just the message, but also the tone and the heart of God.

The sound of the wisdom of heaven is first of all pure, second of all peaceable, and thirdly gentle. God’s wisdom doesn’t deal in emotional extremes and is not looking to punish or inflict pain. I’m not saying that we are not firm or truthful, or serious in tone, or even that that word of truth could leave us feeling cut: because true heavenly wisdom cuts through the false and divides the soul from the spirit. What I am saying, however, is that God’s love is love for the sake of another, it is a love that is not cheap and it demonstrates itself by costing the giver their life laid down. A message of correction to Jesus Christ’s Beloved Bride, costs the bearer their rights of accusation or punishment, their anger or hurt, their desires or ambition, their need for recognition or to be heard, and any other “rights” that the flesh would perceive it is owed. If the fruit of righteousness and alignment is to come from the message, then the bearer will be under the Lordship of Christ themselves. Lordship of Christ creates in us a pure heart, and fills us up with the compassion and loving-kindness God, marking us as a servant and friend of God. It is truly an honor to be a servant and friend of the Lord trusted with the care of His Bride.

P.s. Bride of Christ: Please do not reject God’s messengers and their message simply because you feel uncomfortable or mad that the truth of your heart and the matter has been revealed. Many times the real truth feels abrupt and can even hurt because truly the plumbline of Christ is dropping down in our souls and dividing truth from error. This is an actual act of mercy and loving kindness from the Father. The truth spoken in love doesn’t mean that the truth is packaged or delivered how I want to hear it, it means that the heart of the one who delivered it was moving out of a pure heart, full of God’s compassion and loving-kindness, with the intent to build the Body up, not destroy her. The heart of God is jealous for His Bride and his love for you won’t let you stay in your current state or places of mess.

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

‭‭James‬ ‭3:17-18‬ ‭NASB