A Living Message Of Love
Rejection is not validation!
Jesus came to us knowing that He’d be rejected and yet He loved anyways. Jesus did not celebrate his rejection and use it as His identity or wear it with pride, pointing people to his rejection as His stamp of approval from Heaven. No. Jesus’s ministry was and is the ministry of reconciliation, not the ministry of rejection.
Rejection is part of the path of every Believer, but a part that a prophet faces because there always has to be the choice for the prophet to love the people regardless of whether they accept or reject them, just as Jesus Christ did. Ultimately the tension that happens in moments of rejection is meant to be an energy that catapults us deeper into Christ as our identity, not into ourselves. Our understanding that being sent costs us the laying down of our lives for the sake of love, is one of the greatest paradigms a prophet must have.
A true prophet’s life is the message, not just their words. It must be a life that demonstrates the love of Christ over the love of self. Jesus Christ was despised and rejected by many and loved by many, but it was a life laid down in love, submitted to the Father’s will,that brought Him to the cross. Jesus chose to pray for His enemies even as He hung on the cross they put him on.
One of the true tests of a prophet comes when faced with the choice of loving people even in the midst of people rejecting them. Jesus’ heart motivated by love, advocated for those that rejected him with the Father, saying,”Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.“ This is true prophetic ministry: love that lays its life down for another. This is our goal to become those that demonstrate the message of Jesus Christ to the world around us , for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.