Peace In The Storm

t was the middle of the night and I had just got hit with a couple major spiritual attacks and my emotions had been stirred. As I laid in bed, I asked the Lord, “Jesus, what would you do about this?”

His response was immediate. He said,

“Daneen, I’d recognize that it was a distraction and go to sleep in the boat.”

I literally laughed out loud at his response, loud enough to wake up my husband. I responded to Him, “Well, then that’s what I’ll do.”

And that is exactly what I did. Laughing and thanking Him for that perspective, I turned over and went back to sleep and proceeded to have one of the best sleeps of my life.

Distractions are everywhere right now. Don’t get caught in their swirl or pull. Keep your mind and heart fixed on Jesus and you will not only be at peace in the midst of the storm, you will also be rested, strengthened and empowered to tackle your actual assignment.